
Region I Principal of the Year: Tanya Bates Howell

Region I Principal of the Year: Tanya Bates Howell

At P.S 349, Principal Tanya Bates Howell is committed to empowering all stakeholders to dismantle racism and injustice by cultivating an environment of equity and social change through Leadership and STEAM.

MSA Recognizes 64 Nationally Certified Schools

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Washington, DC – Magnet Schools of America (MSA) has named 31 Nationally Certified Schools and 33 Nationally Certified-Demonstration Schools, bringing the total number of nationally certified schools across the country to 245. As leading examples of magnet school excellence, these schools provide outstanding learning opportunities for their students and join a growing […]

MSA Calls for Realistic Fiscal Proposals

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Washington, DC – Magnet Schools of America is deeply disappointed by the decision of the House Appropriations Committee to propose no funding for the Magnet Schools Assistance Program (MSAP) next year as part of a package of sweeping and draconian cuts in funding to the U.S. Department of Education included in the […]

MSA: Supreme Court Decision is Disappointing

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Washington, DC – Today’s Supreme Court decision is disappointing and will have far-reaching implications, in education and beyond. By effectively preventing colleges and universities from considering race as a factor in admissions, the Supreme Court has all but ensured that America’s campuses will not look like the nation at large. Institutions of […]

MSA Celebrates 2022-2023 National Award Winners

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Dallas, TX – Magnet Schools of America (MSA) announced its 2022-2023 awards recipients during the National Conference on Magnet Schools, April 18-22, 2023. More than 1,400 magnet leaders and educators came together to celebrate top-performing schools and learn best practices on curriculum, leadership and school design. “These awards are a significant achievement […]

Region 3 Teacher of the Year: Marie Hill

Region 3 Teacher of the Year: Marie Hill

Music has power to change a mood, create an emotional response, motivate, and excite, break down barriers or to connect many to sing or play along. A good song, much like a good teacher, can do the same. A good song is easy to remember, fun to listen to, has a solid structure, chord progression, strong lyrics, and a riff. Marie Hill is a great song who brings students and teachers at Douglas L. Jamerson’s Center for Mathematics and Engineering together to create beautiful music.

Region 4 Principal of the Year: Tamala Ashford

Region 4 Principal of the Year: Tamala Ashford

Tamala Ashford is an authentic connector and leader worth following. Students, parents, and her staff equally love her because she cares, demonstrates, and inspires excellence.

Region 3 Principal of the Year: Carrier Cormier

Region 3 Principal of the Year: Carrier Cormier

Carrie Cormier is committed, and dependable and she gives 110% to all assigned duties and responsibilities. In her role as Principal, she daily demonstrates a superior ability to create supportive environments to make learning exciting, to build positive relationships with others, and to contribute to the continuous improvement of student learning and school improvement.

Region 4 Teacher of the Year: Emily Eberlin

Region 4 Teacher of the Year: Emily Eberlin

"I've come to realize the way I answer the question "What influenced you to become a teacher?" has changed. As a student, I had some exemplary teachers. Spending my entire career in the district in which I grew up, I had the great fortune to also work alongside some of those same teachers. Now that I am nearing two decades of my own career, I realize that, while my teachers played a huge part in my life, they have not been the final determining influence."

43 U.S. Reps Show Support for MSAP

43 U.S. Reps Show Support for MSAP

We were thrilled to see 43 members of the House of Representatives, both Democrats and Republicans, signal their support for robust funding for the Magnet Schools Assistance Program in this year's federal budget process.

Learn how to become a Nationally Certified Magnet School

Raise the level of performance consistent throughout school districts nationwide and creates a platform from which all magnet schools can flourish. Magnet Schools of America’s national certification process is designed to recognize the hard work of the best magnet schools in the nation and to help them as they grow.

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