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Articles About Magnet Schools

Magnet School Student Outcomes: What the Research Says

National Coalition on School Diversity

This research brief outlines six major studies of magnet school student outcomes. The studies are located within a much broader body of research that documents the benefits of attending racially and socioeconomically diverse schools. (Research Brief 6)

The Forgotten Choice? Rethinking Magnet Schools in a Changing Landscape

UCLA Civil Rights Project

Historically, magnet schools have been an important part of school districts' efforts to improve equity and quality in our nation's schools. But as charters have become a central focus of school choice proponents, federal funds for magnet schools have been frozen. This report looks at the policy effects of neglecting magnet schools.

Reviving Magnet Schools: Strengthening a Successful Choice Option

UCLA Civil Rights Project

This policy brief refocuses our attention on the longstanding magnet sector. It is issued during a time of complex political and legal circumstances and seeks to understand how a variety of factors—including the Parents Involved ruling and the transition to a U.S. Department of Education led by the Obama Administration—have influenced federally-funded magnet programs.

Magnet Schools Provide Academic and Social Benefits, Study Reports

University of Connecticut Neag School of Education

Both white and minority children in Connecticut’s magnet schools showed stronger connections to their peers of other races than students in their home districts, and city students made greater academic gains than students in non-magnet city schools, Casey Cobb and a team of colleagues found in this research commissioned by the state of Connecticut.

Turnaround Schools That Work: Moving Beyond Separate but Equal

The Century Foundation

Senior Fellow Richard Kahlenberg details why “turnaround” approaches that focus on changing principals and teachers but fail to address issues related to parents and students, have fallen short of expectations. His report also includes a body of evidence that demonstrates that magnet schools with a socioeconomic mix can raise student achievement.

Learn how to become a Nationally Certified Magnet School

Raise the level of performance consistent throughout school districts nationwide and creates a platform from which all magnet schools can flourish. Magnet Schools of America’s national certification process is designed to recognize the hard work of the best magnet schools in the nation and to help them as they grow.

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