Open Magnet Charter School
Los Angeles Unified School District
Kimberly Min is a teacher at the Open Magnet Charter School in the
Los Angeles Unified School District.
Min’s dedication to the growth of Open Magnet School for the past eight years is one of dedication and commitment, according to Keith H. Abrahams III, Ed.D., Executive Director, Student Integration Services.
Min’s educational pedagogy, content knowledge, and advocacy as a social justice warrior for children is unmatched. Her path as a teacher is a resolute walk alongside children, guiding them seamlessly to a future of greatness in a multicultural world. Her daily tenacity appears effortless, but the intentional planning, preparation, and data analysis that goes into her teaching surpasses expectations.
Min’s relationship with her students and their academic results are a testament to just how
much she offers the field of education.
“I have made significant efforts to strengthen and improve the magnet teaching profession by promoting the magnet principles of diversity, innovative curriculum, academic excellence, leadership, and partnerships in my classroom. By modeling these magnet pillars in my own practice, I demonstrate that these important principles can be achieved in elementary school classrooms,” Min said.
Raise the level of performance consistent throughout school districts nationwide and creates a platform from which all magnet schools can flourish. Magnet Schools of America’s national certification process is designed to recognize the hard work of the best magnet schools in the nation and to help them as they grow.