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Region I Principal of the Year: Tanya Bates Howell


P.S. 349 – Magnet School for Leadership and Innovation through STEAM
NYC Community District 28

At P.S 349, Principal Tanya Bates Howell is committed to empowering all stakeholders to dismantle racism and injustice by cultivating an environment of equity and social change through Leadership and STEAM.

Principal Howell has empowered teachers to incorporate rigor into every lesson. She has high expectations for all learners and provides the support necessary to help them grow; data reflects that students are demonstrating excellence in various areas by being inclusive-minded. Through the reflective practices of engaging in critical conversations that reflect, honor, and value the vast perspectives and identities of all stakeholders; Principal Howell has built mutual respect for the vast experiences had by all members of the PS 349 community.

In addition, Principal Howell is actively involved in the district and magnet community. In May 2022, Principal Howell and P.S. 349 were selected to present at the New York City Department of Education’s 1st Annual Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Conference on the impact of equity work in order to share best practices with the community. In June 2022, Principal Howell presented at the New York City Department of Education’s Cross-Divisional City-Wide Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Impact Showcase, highlighting P.S. 349’s successful social-emotional learning implementation.



Blog » Region I Principal of the Year: Tanya Bates Howell

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