New London is the state's only full magnet district. Parents and students can choose themes like STEM - science, technology, engineering, mathematics, language and culture. Nathan Hale Arts Magnet School is project-based learning. For one project, students worked on an opera, where kids wrote, produced, acted, sang and did everything in between!
At Morris Intermediate School (I.S. 61) in Brighton Heights, the performing arts take center stage.Three-quarters of the 965 students are arts majors, devoting one period of instruction each day to choices including band, strings, orchestra, vocals, dance and drama. "Children need more than academics and the core curriculum" for a successful intermediate-school experience, says Susan Tronolone, finishing her seventh year as Morris principal.
New London – A New London elementary school teacher known for her dedication and knack for reaching her students has earned a national teacher of the year award.
A Maine high school aimed at pumping out future ship captains, oceanographers, marine biologists and other seaworthy professionals is close to picking its first crop of students.
Most people have probably called their dad a clown once or twice, but for junior Sophia Rosman, it's no joke. Her father, Michael Rosman, has worked as a professional comedy juggler in a circus for over 20 years. Sophia is a professional special events entertainer. She has performed at the White House, on the Ellen Degeneres Show, and hundreds of other venues.
School leaders at Bishop Woods Architecture and Design Magnet School say the way students learn in the school's second year as a magnet school is through hands-on, project-based instruction - or by seeing and by doing.
Pressure from consumers and new regulations have pushed the aquarium fish industry in a more sustainable direction, said Eric Litvinoff, the magnet school's director of aquaculture. "Now we're starting to see hobbyists who are starting to ask the question: 'Where did the fish come from?'" he said. "People are saying, 'Oh, it would be nice if it was aquacultured.'"
The Flame Challenge is an annual contest organized by actor Alan Alda and his foundation to inspire scientists to explain complex ideas in terms that a bright 11-year-old might understand.
The school has been teaching Engineering is Elementary curriculum at higher grades for a few years, but West's class is now one of about 30 in the country - and the only one in Connecticut - piloting the new kindergarten curriculum.
U.S. Rep. Joe Courtney, joined by administrators and staff from LEARN and schools in Groton, Norwich, New London and East Hartford, cheered on Friday afternoon the announcement of a nearly $15 million federal grant that will help create intradistrict magnet schools and bring educational programs to the region.
Raise the level of performance consistent throughout school districts nationwide and creates a platform from which all magnet schools can flourish. Magnet Schools of America’s national certification process is designed to recognize the hard work of the best magnet schools in the nation and to help them as they grow.